Friday, June 6, 2008

Bike-it on your gap year

From the land where the sun shines rarely, we are hearing rumours of forward thinking plans. London will invest approximately GBP500 million on walking and cycling programmes over the next decade.

There’ll be a bike-share program, and 6,000 bikes will be located across docking stations every 300m so Londoners and visitors have quick and easy access to a bike. That’s good news if you’re thinking of a gap year in London - no more need to be squashed like a rat in a sardine tin in the rush-hour tube not-so- jolly. Put your rain jacket on and get out amongst the landmarks. The Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone has said, “Over 50% of tube journeys in central London are quicker on foot.”

Across the pond, New York is installing approximately 320 kilometres of bike lanes and 37 new bike shelters. There’s a successful cycle hire scheme in Paris where there are 10,000 bikes at 750 points located around the city, and another one in Barcelona. Yip, some cities around the world are endeavouring to lower emissions of carbon dioxide, reduce traffic and air pollution, and promote healthier lifestyles.

London, Barcelona, Paris, New York. Not a bad gap year route.

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